The Mutsonziwa Foundation (MF) was founded in June 2022 and operates as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The Foundation’s focus areas are:
- Disadvantaged children and youth;
- Disadvantaged community members; such as widows/widowers and orphans;
- Helping underprivileged communities, especially those in rural areas and townships, implement sustainable projects. The projects we initiate include; vocational; training and educational support, skills development, and promoting micro-enterprises. These projects enable their beneficiaries to have better livelihoods and become self-sustainable.
The work of the MF contributes positively to underprivileged communities. According to the World Bank, about two in five people in Zimbabwe live on less than USD$1.90 per day, while in South Africa the figure is one in five. These figures indicate extreme levels of poverty. The United Nations’ 17 Global Goals, also termed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aim to work towards ending extreme poverty and its systemic causes. In our small way the Foundation, therefore, aims to make a difference in identified communities.
The former Roman emperor Hadrian once remarked ‘Brick by brick, my fellow citizens, brick by brick’. The small changes the Foundation implements make a large difference in the lives of people impacted by our gestures of generosity and goodwill.

To facilitate sustainable livelihoods in underprivileged communities.
To empower underprivileged communities to become self-sustainable and to achieve their full God-given potential in life.
Making life meaningful #MLM
Our Values
Our core values RIDE on our Ubuntu (humanity). We stand for:
We envisage a society that rides on the same vehicle to reach a journey’s destination where all individuals enjoy our God-given lives to the full.